Toyhouse Migration

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Installation Inspection

On source server, below are the fact that is found. Installation is using docker container, we can check with docker ps command, and below are the output

docker ps

Output from docker ps command

As we can inspect, there are fourteen containers that are running on the source server. It is possible that not all of the containers is functional. Since there are no yml file that is directly related to bring the whole configuration up, decided to reverse engineer the installation by exporting the container, copy them to new server and proceed the installation on new server. Instead of building the container from scratch, which are the normal procedure of deploying new server.

Then, next step is to find mounted directory which use by the container on the host machine, we can use below command to display the configuration of each container

docker inspect [container-name]

and, to inspect the mediawiki container installation, type below command

docker inspect mediawiki

which, we can see portion of the output below

"HostConfig": {
  "Binds": [

after performing similar command for all the container, we can conclude that the mounter folder at host machine is at /data/xlpsystem/

Outline Planning

  1. Export all docker container from source server using docker command
  2. Transfer all file to target server
  3. Prepare the target server
  4. Re-Create the docker-run command
  5. Bring docker container up
  6. Solve all issues

Below are the process of above plan, and all of the issues, and how to solve them.

Exporting all the containers

Transfer all file to target server

Prepare the target server

Mariadb Container

Mediawiki Container

Matomo Container

Once the container is up, found authorization problem that we need to enable access for user id 1000 on matomo volume, below is the command to perform that action.

sudo useradd -u 1000 mtm_user

