PKC Workflow/Issues
- Form: Create class function internal error
- Enabling Sign function in regular namespace
- Whether to promote members as admin Issues/User promotion
- Don't understand the difference of the 4 properties of Form:create template
- Create a better Meeting Form that does not require every slots
Mediawiki functions
- Need a "Move to" function, to move a block to another block.
- Need to manage namespace more efficiently.
- Select pages by query functions.
- Migrate pages to other wikis -> workflow
- wk:Font color
Server issue
PKC Automation
- Dockerize the software containing more functions
- binary tools like apt, wget
- mw extension package
Namespace Management
- What is the best way to decide the naming? For example: PKC Workflow/TLA+
- A good namespace is universal to all its examples
- When do we turn a page to a page with Logic Model?