Inter-Organizational Workflow

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Logic Model (PKC Workflow) Template:LogicModel 08 23, 2021
Abstract Specification
  1. This is the 2021 summer project of Tz-Chuang starting from June 27, 2021 to August 21,2021.
  2. Despite the various models for domain knowledge, there isn't a high-level model which is expressive, compact, practical, and independent of domains. This gives rise to Logic Model.
  1. Utilize formal methods to prove the system's soundness
  2. Use Logic Model to describe the project itself.
  3. Theorize Logic Model based on the implementation.
Success Criteria
  1. An example of how the formal method could integrate into Logic Model is demonstrated.
  2. The Logic Models of the project are defined correctly
  3. The core concepts which explain the Logic Model is defined.
Concrete Implementation
Given Inputs When Process is executed... Then, we get Outputs
System Verification
  1. Software/TLA+ Tools
  2. PKC System Specification
  3. Knowledge/TLA+ Tools

Jenkins Integration

  1. Jenkins setup
  2. A service namespace

Docker Registry

  1. Docker
  2. Docker registry tutorial
  3. Image Naming
  1. System Verification by TLA+
  2. Jenkins Integration
  3. Docker Registry
  4. Meeting and Communication
  5. Issues
  6. Updates
  7. All activities

  1. PKC Workflow/Knowledge
  2. PKC Workflow/Drafts
  3. PKC Workflow/Project Conclusion
  4. PKC Workflow/Presentation
Boundary/Safety Conditions of PKC Workflow
  1. 6 weeks of project time.

TLA Workflow

Logic Model (TLA Workflow) Template:LogicModel 08 23, 2021
Abstract Specification
  1. REDIRECT PKC Workflow/System Verification by TLA+/Context
  1. REDIRECT PKC Workflow/System Verification by TLA+/Goal
Success Criteria
  1. REDIRECT PKC Workflow/System Verification by TLA+/Criteria
Concrete Implementation
Given Inputs When Process is executed... Then, we get Outputs
  1. REDIRECT PKC Workflow/System Verification by TLA+/Input
  1. REDIRECT PKC Workflow/System Verification by TLA+/Process
  1. REDIRECT PKC Workflow/System Verification by TLA+/Output
Boundary/Safety Conditions of TLA Workflow
  1. REDIRECT PKC Workflow/System Verification by TLA+/Boundary

Jenkins Sub-Model

Logic Model (Jenkins) Template:LogicModel 08 23, 2021
Abstract Specification
Context Jenkins/Context
Goal Jenkins/Goal
Success Criteria Jenkins/Criteria
Concrete Implementation
Given Inputs When Process is executed... Then, we get Outputs
Jenkins/Input Jenkins/Process Jenkins/Output
Boundary/Safety Conditions of Jenkins

TO BE DEPRECATED: When you see this, please consider moving the logic model below from Template:Logic Model to Template:LogicModel

1. Context
  1. The Universal Data Abstraction includes data scheme of Page/File/Service.
  2. Jenkins is an automation server for users to interact with services.
2. Goal
  1. To integrate automation server with PKC to build a workflow engine
3. Success Criteria
  1. Users could manipulate programmable objects on other application in PKC page.
4. Outputs 5. Process 6. Inputs
  1. A complete service namespace.
  2. A module serving as interface for users to interact
  1. Specify a namespace to express the interaction with service.
  2. Activity:Learn Lua
  3. Create a Lua based module which takes parametrized inputs.
  1. Jenkins setup
  2. A service namespace
7. Boundary Conditions
  1. Finish within 1 week of time

Docker Workflow

TO BE DEPRECATED: When you see this, please consider moving the logic model below from Template:Logic Model to Template:LogicModel

1. Context
  1. The Mediawiki container on contains software which are constantly changing.
2. Goal
  1. Specify and docker registry workflow of PKC and test.
3. Success Criteria
  1. The process are investigated and streamlined.
  2. Users follow and improve the workflow.
  3. The tags are named properly.
4. Outputs 5. Process 6. Inputs
  1. A workflow page.
  1. Pull and build a docker registry image from the official website. [1].
  2. For the target container to be versioned, commit the container.
  3. Push to the local registry and then test whether it succeeded.
  4. Install some extensions and make a software version from it.
  1. Knowledge from Docker.
  2. Docker registry tutorial
  3. Image Naming
7. Boundary Conditions
  1. By now we only test the workflow on server. More servers should be tested in the future.

Ideation Sub-Model

TO BE DEPRECATED: When you see this, please consider moving the logic model below from Template:Logic Model to Template:LogicModel

1. Context

Ideation Project

2. Goal
  1. To model and formalize the structure of Ideation.
  2. Leverage PKC as the foundation for Ideation.
3. Success Criteria
  1. Specify Ideation structure
  2. Specify how PKC could process these ideas.
4. Outputs 5. Process 6. Inputs
  1. Ideation structure specification
  2. PKC application on Ideation specification



7. Boundary Conditions
  1. Finish within 1 week of time


  • When writing a logic model, one should be aware of the difference between concept and instance.
  • A logic model is composed of lots of submodels. When not intending to specify the abstract part of them, one could only use Function Model.
  • What is the relationship between the model submodules, and the relationships among all the subfunctions?
  • Note: Sometimes, the input and process are ambiguous. For example, the Service namespace is required to achieve the goal. It might be an input or the product along the process. In general, both the input and process contain uncertainty and need a decision.
  • The parameter of Logic Model is minimized to its name, which is the most important part of it. The name should be summarized from its value.
  • Note that, when naming as Jenkins, it means the resource itself, but when naming as Jenkin Implementation On PKC, it consists of more context information therefore is more suitable.
