Windows Anamolies

From PKC
Revision as of 08:19, 27 August 2021 by Benkoo (talk | contribs)
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Since PKC is designed around Linux-based containerization technology, which means that it will have many incompatibilities with Windows inherently. There are some tips that we captured here:

  1. Under Windows 10 Environment, some VPN software might interfere with Docker's Windows Subsystem for Linux, a.k.a. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), you will need to remove VPN software before installing Docker. In case you don't want to remvoe your VPN software, or your Docker and Bash have compatibility issues, please try the following solution:Installing VirtualBox for PKC.
  2. Access to the Internet during intallation time. Please try to perform the installation on a network with 10Mbps+ to the Internet. After installation, this system can operated without access to the Internet.