PKC Workflow/Project Conclusion

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Logic Model

Narrative: logic model models the

  • Abstract Spec, Concrete Implementation.

what is logic model?

important work

Note: turn knowledge language into narrative language.

week 1

  • task: Learn Functional Programming; understand the structure of Semantic MediaWiki (SMW); develop the concept of Universal Data Abstraction; implement on SMW; understand project management; field research
  • achievement: Built a workflow page for project management, containing knowledge management and time management. Published some content on the system.
  • In the era of information explosion and competitiveness, the intellectual progress such as cognition, communication, or management are the fuel of our daily engine. However, human often face complexities accompanied with large decision space. While there are lots of methodology, tools, and services to cater to certain needs, we lack a fundamental framework for such goal.

We claim that the hybrid intelligent system which coordinates both human and machine is the best type of system in cyberspace. And the concept of Universal data abstraction underlies its core. Semantic Mediawiki (SMW), a content management system based on key-value, entity-relation, abstract-concrete, and functional structure, has the potential to achieve this goal. In my work, I will study the structure of the SMW and apply it on some domains such as project management, communication management, or knowledge management to demonstrate that the universal system are expressive enough to achieve more with less complexity.

  • ref: 1. Official MediaWiki and Semantic Mediawiki documentation.

2. Computer Science with Mathematica_ Theory and Practice for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering [Maeder 2000-02-28].pdf 3. Category Theory 4. K-framework

week 2

I studied the Functional Language and Object-Oriented language. My purpose is to use programming language to model not only software system but also the hybrid system, which includes human and machine. I also investigated CICD and Formal Methods together with their implementation. The lesson I learned the most from namespace management is to describe resource, actions, … in a proper way. The proper description is like a programming language which passed syntax checking in the hybrid system. I also specified the integration of Jenkins and TLA+ with PKC.



  • logic model
  • uda
  • when implementation , get feed back to theory


  • all work in mw (like how)
  • tla+ , k-framework, connection
    • need the correspondense


  • multiple people develop complex knowledge together.