A Global Network of Personal Knowledge Container

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Logic Model (A Global Network of Personal Knowledge Container) Template:LogicModel 02 17, 2023
Abstract Specification
Context Given the imminent waves of products and services based on the late-breaking Artificial Intelligence Generated Content(AIGC) technologies, the goal of protecting personal and organizational data sovereignty is becoming ever more challenging. To address this issue, I propose the following approaches:(See the page)
Goal Provide functionally equivalent data processing, machine learning, and social/smart contract verification and execution capabilities to all members in society.
Success Criteria Reduce the cost of data collection and content verification by automation, therefore allowing individuals and organizations of all levels of privileges to share a common data exchange protocol that enables fair and freewill participation.
Concrete Implementation
Given Inputs When Process is executed... Then, we get Outputs
  1. Provide Personal Knowledge Container(PKC) as a data processing enabler.
  2. Diverse and geographically distributed PKC operating community.
  3. Leverage publicly available data protection solutions: see Zenroom and The EU Interfacer Project.
  4. Provide public computing resources to create diverse Large Language Models(LLMs).
  5. Create a knowledge asset brokerage institution to promote freedom of expression in this data-intensive era.

(See Input Details)

  1. Develop and collect existing technical solutions to build the PKC and data protection infrastructures.
  2. Organize educational and promotional events to make these solutions and potential opportunities/threats known to a large number of people
  3. Encourage exchanges and interconnections between different PKCs, forming a larger computing network that becomes robust in a decentralized manner.
  4. Identify productive and rewarding data resources, algorithms, scientific concepts, and governance models to promote the sustainability of this global network.
  1. Create a self-governing community of PKC operators, that shares and exchanges data and knowledge assets.
  2. Operate regular events to promote best-practices, and late-breaking approaches to better protect data sovereignty while uphold social justice.
  3. Initially, raw data collection, data cleasing, and LLM creation and certification using PKC will be the main services and products.
Boundary/Safety Conditions of A Global Network of Personal Knowledge Container
  1. The proposal assumes that the existing blockchain and data center infrastructures can handle the demands of large-scale machine learning computation and data processing required for the proposed service, which may not be the case.
  2. The proposal does not address potential security and privacy concerns around the use of blockchain and Smart Contracts in the management of sensitive data assets.
  3. The proposal also assumes that there is a demand for custom-made or localized Large Language Models, and that organizations and individuals are willing to pay for them, which may not be the case.


Given the imminent waves of products and services based on the late-breaking Artificial Intelligence Generated Content(AIGC) technologies, the goal of protecting personal and organizational data sovereignty is becoming ever more challenging. To address this issue, I propose the following approaches:(See the page)


Provide functionally equivalent data processing, machine learning, and social/smart contract verification and execution capabilities to all members in society.

Success Criteria

Reduce the cost of data collection and content verification by automation, therefore allowing individuals and organizations of all levels of privileges to share a common data exchange protocol that enables fair and freewill participation.


  1. Provide Personal Knowledge Container(PKC) as a data processing enabler.
  2. Diverse and geographically distributed PKC operating community.
  3. Leverage publicly available data protection solutions: see Zenroom and The EU Interfacer Project.
  4. Provide public computing resources to create diverse Large Language Models(LLMs).
  5. Create a knowledge asset brokerage institution to promote freedom of expression in this data-intensive era.

(See Input Details)


  1. Develop and collect existing technical solutions to build the PKC and data protection infrastructures.
  2. Organize educational and promotional events to make these solutions and potential opportunities/threats known to a large number of people
  3. Encourage exchanges and interconnections between different PKCs, forming a larger computing network that becomes robust in a decentralized manner.
  4. Identify productive and rewarding data resources, algorithms, scientific concepts, and governance models to promote the sustainability of this global network.


  1. Create a self-governing community of PKC operators, that shares and exchanges data and knowledge assets.
  2. Operate regular events to promote best-practices, and late-breaking approaches to better protect data sovereignty while uphold social justice.
  3. Initially, raw data collection, data cleasing, and LLM creation and certification using PKC will be the main services and products.

Boundary Conditions

  1. The proposal assumes that the existing blockchain and data center infrastructures can handle the demands of large-scale machine learning computation and data processing required for the proposed service, which may not be the case.
  2. The proposal does not address potential security and privacy concerns around the use of blockchain and Smart Contracts in the management of sensitive data assets.
  3. The proposal also assumes that there is a demand for custom-made or localized Large Language Models, and that organizations and individuals are willing to pay for them, which may not be the case.

- edited by Grammarly and Quillbot

Related thoughts: A Global Network of Personal Knowledge Container


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