A Global Network of Personal Knowledge Container/Input

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  1. Provide Personal Knowledge Container(PKC) as a data processing enabler.
  2. Diverse and geographically distributed PKC operating community.
  3. Leverage publicly available data protection solutions: see Zenroom and The EU Interfacer Project.
  4. Provide public computing resources to create diverse Large Language Models(LLMs).
  5. Create a knowledge asset brokerage institution to promote freedom of expression in this data-intensive era.

(See Input Details)

  1. Provide a personalized cloud solution, namely Personal Knowledge Container(PKC), which enables individuals and organizations to scale their data solutions from personal computing devices to high-end data centers.
  2. It is necessary to enable many instances of independently administrated, and geographically distributed PKCs, so that data and localized knowledge can be organized and curated based on individual and distributed wills. In other words, large-scale citizen participation across diverse locations and cultures is highly desired.
  3. Use of publicly known cryptographic data protection protocols and identity-protecting Smart Contract execution and Blockchain-based transaction services could help set up the initial platform. See Zenroom and The EU Interfacer Project.
  4. Provide public computing resources to filter and train publicly submitted data content to create diverse and highly functional Large Language Models(LLMs).
  5. Create a knowledge asset brokerage institution focused on creating, filtering, sharing, and buying/selling LLMs to businesses and individuals who require locally tailored or customized LLMs. Allowing small firms and individuals to participate in the design and composition of LLMs fosters system variety and a broader user base, which encourages freedom of expression.


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