This page is dedicated to grouping and defining the default properties of PKC. We have carefully hand selected and predefined a variety of properties and grouped them by use case. You are not restricted by our grouping methods and if you prefer to see a running list of all properties then simply refer to the page:
List of properties
You are welcome to create a property of your own; however before you proceed in doing so we suggest you read and understand Universal abstraction. Naming of pages is one of the most important things you will do when using and operating a PKC. The effectiveness of your naming system can make or break a successful workflow.
Create a property
Working with properties
When working with properties its important that we understand the variables and functionality of them. Each property that you create can be altered and customized by simply annotating properties within the property. Semantic Mediawiki come with predefined special properties that used for functional purposes, See the subcategory, to get a full list of the properties.
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.