Introduction of Logic Model
Navigate: Template:Logic Model
- What is logic model?
- [out] Start from function (input-process-output)
- [out] function lacks information indicating (purpose), so need other 4 args
Navigate: Logic Model/Example/Buying Coffee
- [out]: the coffee example
- Specify the (workflow..?) using Logic Model
[work] : tla+
[work] : k8s+
(Basic intro)
Logic Model
Logic Model of PKC Workflow
Logic Model (PKC Workflow) Template:LogicModel 08 29, 2021
Abstract Specification
- This is the 2021 summer project of Tz-Chuang starting from June 27, 2021 to August 21,2021.
- Despite the various models for domain knowledge, there isn't a high-level model which is expressive, compact, practical, and independent of domains. This gives rise to Logic Model.
- Utilize formal methods to prove the system's soundness
- Use Logic Model to describe the project itself.
- Theorize Logic Model based on the implementation.
Success Criteria
- An example of how the formal method could integrate into Logic Model is demonstrated.
- The Logic Models of the project are defined correctly
- The core concepts which explain the Logic Model is defined.
Boundary/Safety Conditions of PKC Workflow
- 6 weeks of project time.
Need to give clear examples to listeners.