Kubernetes Backup and Restore
This document is prepared as administrator's guide of MediaWiki implementation on kubernetes to perform backup and restore. Backup and restore will cover for both database stored in mySQL and image media stored in MediaWiki file system.
What you need to perform the task is the console access to worker node of kubernetes' deployment.
Acessing your cluster
Use your credentials to access the worker node of the kubernetes deployment. All the data of the deployment is stored on ~\mount and all underneath directory. Please refer the below diagram.
|- backup
|- images
|- mariadb
|- restore
|- images
|- mariadb
|- images
|- mariadb
Please noted that backup files are stored in ~\mount\backup\, and files as the result of the backup process will be stored in respective folder.
Performing the Backup
To perform the backup, please log-in into master node of your kubernetes deployment using your credentials, and navigate to folder ~\CleanSlate\k8s_dep. At this folder you will find .\db-backup.sh shell script. This script will perform the backup process from mariadb and mediawiki pod and put the backup result on the worker's node folder as stated in above section.
When you issue the command
./db-backup.sh --------------------------------------------------- This script will create database backup on folder ~/mount/backup/mariadb/cleanslate_bak_08_29_2021_1548.sql.gz ~/mount/backup/images/mediafile_08_29_2021_1548.zip ---------------------------------------------------