Using Integration to calculate volume
Revision as of 13:54, 23 September 2021 by Githubhenrykoo (talk | contribs)
This time we will start to learn how to use integration to calculate the volume.
Now we will start to calculate if the function rotating 360 degrees on the x-axis, and the function will never leave the x-axis, and then it will form a 3-dimensional volume. We will call this solid of revolution because we obtain it by revolving a region about a line.
if we say the function is
The radius of a circle will be r and
And we can understand it as the volume is made of many disks and it will form this volume.
The area of the disk will be A and
So replaced r with
so what we will get this
Because is a constant so we can pull it out of the intergerl.
Then we will get.