Template talk:Proposal

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About shaping planning terminology

This could be inserted in current Logic model

I had a proposal on some changes on the logic model concept to look more as a project-oriented terminology (https://www.pkc.pub/index.php/Template:Proposal#PKC_Project_page_structure)

The logic model is (somehow) what we call in project management as the “project charter”

<googlepresentation width="900" height="600" style="width: 100%">https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Weg4d7JA_i54c2ag-j5BAt44kNtcvXUZRcycbCfmKSk/edit#slide=id.p</googlepresentation>

Abstract spec

Define: Product and project separately


Internal (PKC engine, Apollo implementation, DocAPI, etc…)


External (service or a client e.g. LKPP KeyCloack or CpL)

‎br Product description defines the user side (like “stories” or Business needs), Project defines the operating team, or the execution point of view (like Work packages)

Goals - (Product approval requirements)

Success Criteria - (Boundaries definition/quality define tolerance and control limits specification)

Concrete implementation

Output Process (execution mode) Input

model should also include:

Stakeholders identification

Proposals for internal products

Create a template with proper UI like this: https://trackonperformance.com/charter/62b0e6796f0213005c71606e that fills up (create, update, delete) the values on logic model


Note1: I understand that if we unite later with TOP DB we can update fields like budget and stakeholders

Note2: Link timing to the project packages plan (TOP and/or future in Apollo or other) where the ordering defines time and eventually the budget