Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance
What is practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance(pBFT)?
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance is a consensus algorithm introduced in the late 90s by Barbara Liskov and Miguel Castro. pBFT was designed to work efficiently in asynchronous(no upper bound on when the response to the request will be received) systems. It is optimized for low overhead time. Its goal was to solve many problems associated with already available Byzantine Fault Tolerance solutions. Application areas include distributed computing and blockchain.
Byzantine Fault Tolerance(BFT) is the feature of a distributed network to reach consensus(agreement on the same value) even when some of the nodes in the network fail to respond or respond with incorrect information. The objective of a BFT mechanism is to safeguard against the system failures by employing collective decision making(both – correct and faulty nodes) which aims to reduce to influence of the faulty nodes. BFT is derived from Byzantine Generals’ Problem.
Byzantine Generals’ Problem
The problem was explained aptly in a paper by LESLIE LAMPORT, ROBERT SHOSTAK, and MARSHALL PEASE at Microsoft Research in 1982:
Imagine that several divisions of the Byzantine army are camped outside an enemy city, each division commanded by its own general. The generals can communicate with one another only by messenger. After observing the enemy, they must decide upon a common plan of action. However, some of the generals may be traitors, trying to prevent the loyal generals from reaching an agreement. The generals must decide on when to attack the city, but they need a strong majority of their army to attack at the same time. The generals must have an algorithm to guarantee that (a) all loyal generals decide upon the same plan of action, and (b) a small number of traitors cannot cause the loyal generals to adopt a bad plan. The loyal generals will all do what the algorithm says they should, but the traitors may do anything they wish. The algorithm must guarantee condition (a) regardless of what the traitors do. The loyal generals should not only reach agreement, but should agree upon a reasonable plan.
—Leslie Lamport, Robert Shostak , Microsoft Research in 1982
Byzantine fault tolerance can be achieved if the correctly working nodes in the network reach an agreement on their values. There can be a default vote value given to missing messages i.e., we can assume that the message from a particular node is ‘faulty’ if the message is not received within a certain time limit. Furthermore, we can also assign a default response if the majority of nodes respond with a correct value.
Leslie Lamport proved that if we have 3m+1 correctly working processors, a consensus(agreement on same state) can be reached if atmost m processors are faulty which means that strictly more than two-thirds of the total number of processors should be honest.
Byzantine fault tolerance can be achieved if the correctly working nodes in the network reach an agreement on their values. There can be a default vote value given to missing messages i.e., we can assume that the message from a particular node is ‘faulty’ if the message is not received within a certain time limit. Furthermore, we can also assign a default response if the majority of nodes respond with a correct value.
Leslie Lamport proved that if we have 3m+1 correctly working processors, a consensus(agreement on same state) can be reached if atmost m processors are faulty which means that strictly more than two-thirds of the total number of processors should be honest.
Types of Byzantine Failures
There are two categories of failures that are considered. One is fail-stop(in which the node fails and stops operating) and other is arbitrary-node failure. Some of the arbitrary node failures are given below :
Failure to return a result
- Respond with an incorrect result
- Respond with a deliberately misleading result
- Respond with a different result to different parts of the system