Event Calendar
Event 1
0. Date |
{{{date}}} | ||
1. Context |
{{{context}}} | ||
2. Goal |
{{{goal}}} | ||
3. Success Criteria |
{{{criteria}}} | ||
4. Outputs | 5. Process | 6. Inputs | |
{{{outputs}}} |
{{{process}}} |
{{{inputs}}} | |
7. Boundary Conditions |
{{{boundaries}}} |
Event:Zoom Meeting
Start time | 2021-07-14T10:06:35.000Z |
End time | 2021-07-14T10:06:50.000Z |
Attendees | |
Context | |
Goal | |
Criteria | |
Meeting URL |
Start time | 2021-07-23T08:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-07-23T09:00:45.000Z |
Attendees | @BenKoo, @JaredCordon, @KevinTung |
Context | PKC Workflow page is about to finish |
Goal | Progress Report |
Criteria | Group concensus |
Meeting URL |
Progress Report
- In PKC Workflow, finished a logic model and 2 sub-models to specify the progress.
- All activities page shows all the activities and daily progress.
Other pages to notice
"Criteria:" namespace.
Page review.
== Other Notes ==
Start time | 2021-08-08T07:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-08-08T08:00:00.000Z |
Attendees | @BenKoo, @KevinTung |
Context | Kevin was stuck in installing K8s dashboard. Kevin hasn't update the PKC document for a week. |
Goal | Talk about the problem with the methodology. |
Criteria | Mutual understanding and participation |
Meeting URL |
Meeting/2021.08.22/Ben, Kevin
Start time | 2021-08-22T12:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-08-22T13:00:00.000Z |
Attendees | @BenKoo, @KevinTung |
Context | This is the last week of the PKC summer project |
Goal | Conclusion of the project, Future Work Discussion |
Criteria | Have a framework for the PKC project |
Meeting URL |
- The context of conclusion:
- it is required by the summer course
- it serves as the conclusion for the 2-month work
- it serves as theorization of PKC, Ideation, and related domains
- Original Plan
- System integration of CMS and automation tools like Jenkins
- Formal method on top of data
- Actual work
- Practice of data/content management on Mediawiki during work.
- Investigate K-framkework, TLA, Jenkins; successfully installed these tools; but not integrate in a theoretical view
- Research of semantic framework in several perspectives
- Mathematica and its functional representation
- Using Logic Model to model knowledge.
- Namespace management
- Knowledge organization, knowledge representation, and its relation with AI (still working)
- Investigate and practice K8s
- Engineering of the PKC system
- A function is a carrier for information
- every input is addressible
- link -> conflict -> jump to others namespace -> collaborate -> neccesesity to collaborate
- What we did :
Why science progress halt: namespace of contribution is a mess. K8s: use etcd to manage namespace
- Video/1 - Intro to the Open Semantic Framework (OSF)
- Paper/Context Aware Systems:A Survey
- Paper/Knowledge Organization and Representation under the AI Lens
Start time | 2021-08-25T08:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-08-25T09:30:00.000Z |
Attendees | @BenKoo, @KevinTung |
Context | TLA Workflow/Process/Planning |
Goal | Discuss About TLA Workflow |
Criteria | The neccasary information is communicated |
Meeting URL | https://zoom.us/j/92921308938?pwd=dFhwSXBreDBmd3ZLSHIzNkplaHVvUT09 |
- Chat/Meeting/2021.08.25/Ben,KevinTung
- Video/Meeting/2021.08.25/Ben,KevinTung
- These data generated from the synchronous meeting triggers the asynchronous session to further discuss and structure them , which is in another Logic Model.
The current strategy of managing the Chat data is to place the structure of the data as its prefix, and the semantics as its postfix. Such as
Chat/Meeting/2021.08.25/Ben,KevinTung Video/Meeting/2021.08.25/Ben,KevinTun
As the structure of data is limited, the top-level of the namespace is more compact. However, it is also possible to use the primary semantic of the data as its prefix, such as
Meeting/2021.08.25/Ben,KevinTung/Chat Meeting/2021.08.25/Ben,KevinTung/Video
The possible benefit is to have better control over the resources under the prefix, which is a common practice. It is also possible to use multiple hierarchical structures to manage ontologies. So there will be fixed structure and fluid structure.
I think it is an important part of Namespace Management open to discussion.
Meeting/2021.08.28/Ben, KevinTung
Start time | 2021-08-28T13:27:22.000Z |
End time | 2021-08-28T14:27:22.000Z |
Attendees | @BenKoo, @KevinTung |
Context | Kevin wants to install a new function on the deployment site. Ben thinks we should have a standard workflow to install new software |
Goal | Discuss the DynamicPageList3 extension, Plan the docker deployment workflow |
Criteria | |
Meeting URL | https://zoom.us/rec/share/FbNYBFNGU0FDCrpSKiqD2nwJP Dr0QstDd-UugP83qlLyOyraCu8xH YJjqJZwLA.TxN1d0FtyLKHzdRD |
- Boundaries
- why wiki is good
- cycle time
- use logic model to specify
- refine SC in a smaller sycle time
- Abstract specification -> execute -> have bug -> turn into BC
- Devops is a trial and error process
- error challenge
- logic model specifying causal relationship
- current solution :MEZA
- solution : use linked logic model to specify/ frame in all levels. as there are lots of users , the dynamic process will contribute to BC and SC
- our PKC is the fastest , why?
- docker registry can save registry locally
- need to mount to local
Passcode: C0UuhmE*
Start time | 2021-08-25T9:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-08-25T10:00:00.000Z |
Attendees | @BenKoo, @Yohanes Surya, @Togar, @Bryan, @Ken, @Zhang |
Context | An initial meeting with Huawei on AI Training Courses |
Goal | Identify a way to collaborate |
Criteria | Start designing a curriculum for the three parties. |
Meeting URL |
- The context of conclusion:
- it is required by the summer course
- it serves as the conclusion for the 2-month work
- it serves as theorization of PKC, Ideation, and related domains
- Original Plan
- System integration of CMS and automation tools like Jenkins
- Formal method on top of data
- Actual work
- Practice of data/content management on Mediawiki during work.
- Investigate K-framkework, TLA, Jenkins; successfully installed these tools; but not integrate in a theoretical view
- Research of semantic framework in several perspectives
- Mathematica and its functional representation
- Using Logic Model to model knowledge.
- Namespace management
- Knowledge organization, knowledge representation, and its relation with AI (still working)
- Investigate and practice K8s
- Engineering of the PKC system
- A function is a carrier for information
- every input is addressible
- link -> conflict -> jump to others namespace -> collaborate -> neccesesity to collaborate
- What we did :
Why science progress halt: namespace of contribution is a mess. K8s: use etcd to manage namespace
- Video/1 - Intro to the Open Semantic Framework (OSF)
- Paper/Context Aware Systems:A Survey
- Paper/Knowledge Organization and Representation under the AI Lens
Start time | 2021-07-13T08:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-07-13T09:00:00.000Z |
Attendees | |
Context | Project management |
Goal | Timeline, Calendar, Workflow |
Criteria | Mutual understanding and participation |
Meeting URL |
- Discuss the meeting confusion
- Update Ben on our progress
- Get suggestions for next
Meeting minutes:
- Agreement on the meeting time.
- The "PKC Workflow#System Implementation" term jettisons our previous work of Backup&Restore, Docker Image workflow, and PKC deployment.
- Ben: We need to relate everything to Logic Model so that users could have limited choice.
- -> Kevin building on this idea : An application express its domain by the cost of complexity. The functionality depends on the expressiveness, and the size of decision space depends on the complexity.
- Kevin: Modeling the iterative process of DevOps using Logic Model
Process optimization:
- For the mutual knowledge which requires to be precise, it is not feasible to talk it verbally. Instead, we should communicate on a page. Some types of issue required for precise communication:
- Naming or describing some concepts.
- Formalizing the model
- Deliberation of concepts.
Start time | 2021-07-14T08:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-07-14T09:00:00.000Z |
Attendees | @KevinTung, @BenKoo, @JaredCordon |
Context | Logic Model |
Goal | Find alignment, Decide the next course of action |
Criteria | Group concensus |
Meeting URL | https://zoom.us/j/91612656130?pwd=SEdjMnJzdURqLzkySnBISkQ2eUhrdz09 |
- Business updates from Ben
- Progress from Kevin and Jared
- Receive feedback
- Decide next steps
Confirmed attendees
(Add a checkbox widget)
- Jared Cordon
- Kevin Tung
Description:Benjamin Koo is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91612656130?pwd=SEdjMnJzdURqLzkySnBISkQ2eUhrdz09
Meeting ID: 916 1265 6130 Passcode: 382263 One tap mobile +13126266799,,91612656130#,,,,*382263# US (Chicago) +13462487799,,91612656130#,,,,*382263# US (Houston)
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 916 1265 6130 Passcode: 382263 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/a0SY3NiaR
10 minutes before
Start time | 2021-07-17T08:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-07-17T09:00:00.000Z |
Attendees | @BenKoo, @KevinTung |
Context | Project management, Logic Model |
Goal | Find alignment, Workflow, Specification |
Criteria | Group concensus, Mutual understanding and participation |
Meeting URL | https://zoom.us/j/91612656130?pwd=SEdjMnJzdURqLzkySnBISkQ2eUhrdz09 |
Meeting Agenda
- Report the progress of PKC
- Discuss project management of PKC
- Discuss project specification, which is a phase of Project Management
- Discuss how to sense the challenge and adapt them.
Meeting Minutes
- Closed cycle is fundamental for a system. By specifying workflow, having tester to test, and reviewing the process helps determine the workflow's correctness.
- There are no other books that cover's our framework. We cannot rely on other theory and need to build a concise theory that verifies itself. The mindset of independence is needed.
- We should stick to the success criteria; it could only be demonstrated on wiki.
- The minimal structure should be Hyperlinks, Transclusion, or Properties.
Start time | 2021-07-26T08:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-07-26T08:30:00.000Z |
Attendees | @BenKoo, @KevinTung |
Context | Jared has stress at home and was not able to participate regularly |
Goal | Check that PKC Workflow has reached the criteria of time management and project management., Alignment on future direction., Resolve participants' conflicts. |
Criteria | Decide whether the criteria is reached, Conclusion of previous progress, Consensus of future actions, The conflict has been resolved, Decide future meeting frequency, Decide the criteria and way of communication. |
Meeting URL | https://zoom.us/j/91612656130?pwd=SEdjMnJzdURqLzkySnBISkQ2eUhrdz09 |
Mutual context (5)
Decide whether the criteria is reached (5)
Conclusion of previous progress (5)
- Written the Logic Models (PKC Workflow, Jenkins, TLA+, Docker) on PKC Workflow
- Criteria to be verified:
Time management statements
Statement | Has Reached | Note |
Predictive plans | Partially | PKC Project is planned but meeting wasn't planned. |
Assign regular time to meet. | No |
Need a schedule (timetable)) to make verifiable progress | Yes(80%) |
Need a sign which shows mutual agreement of future events. | Partially | Any group decision needs to be decided group-wise and there must be a confirmation action whether officially or conventionally. |
Participants need to work on the same time schedule and create a full set of documentation so that others can replicate the work from scratch. | No | Kevin created the time schedule and invite others to use but there isn't confirmation yet. Kevin will lead the confirmation. |
Inform each other before events happen, and in case you had to postpone certain meetings, inform others ahead of time. | Partially | |
Use one Public instance of PKC, in this case, thewiki.us as a platform to share progress, and you guys can have private instances of PKCs to manage your test cases. | Partially | We used thewiki.us but haven't confirmed a way to share progress. |
Be aware of other people's schedules, and making MEETINGS predicable, PREDICABLE TIME TABLE for things that must happen in the near future | No | We haven't shared our schedule. Kevin will lead the confirmation to share schedule. |
Consensus of future actions (5)
- Build and share schedule of the same format.
- Design a workflow to share and review working progress everyday without using a meeting.
- Create a Daily Document
- Progress report and sharing everyday.
- Review and comment on the document page
- The message to report differs based on role. But the daily basis is invariant.
Note: still need to be confirmed by the participants.
Discuss and Decide future meeting frequency (3)
- 30 minute regular meeting every day.
- The purpose of meeting is to align not only logically but also mentally.
- The precise communication (full logical alignment) should be written on the daily report.
Discuss and Decide the communication method in WeChat and PKC (5)
- The communication should be transcribed to PKC
- After seeing others' message, if a person isn't ready to reply, he needs to send an information that he had seen the message to give other people predictive actions.
All Statements of Ben in Wechat
- However, I was expecting the two of you to update me on your regular plans. We need a schedule to move things forward. If we just ignore the schedule, we will remain to be an interest group that does things for fun. The results will not be predictable and no trustworthiness.
- THE TWO OF you still did not assign a regular time to meet so that we can have some predictable interaction pattern. This is becoming a pretty serious violation of the rule of engagement. Especially after I explicitly stated the requirement for?time management. and clearly the two of you just choose to ignore this instruction.
- Is there a process and a sign showing that everyone agrees yet?
- Any group decision needs to be decided group-wise and there must be a confirmation action whether officially or conventionally.
- The meeting agenda should be proposed in PKC.
- We don't even need to have meetings, as long as something is confirmed and new actions are being scheduled that will be all there is to it.
- Please don't upload any video or audio files to wikis, we will find a way to do that more systematically later. A way to manage digital resources is what PKC is all about.
- The whole point of using PKC is to leverage its powers in managing Namespaces. And you guys have been selfishly defining namespaces in ways that are most imminent in your own localized contexts, without thinking about Namespaces must be put in a "Single Source of Truth", such as a single wiki, to ensure the consistency and reusability of the chosen names.
- You guys need a schedule (timetable)) to make verifiable progress.
- Yes, but you need to work on the same time schedule with Kevin and create a full set of documentation so that others can replicate the work from scratch.
- As you develop content and code, you need to think about how others can read the wiki and right away do what you did.
- If there is no project timetable, there should be no more meetings in the future.
- The point is not about being frustrated or not, but the ability to be aware of each other's minimalistic commitment. The main common denominator in this project is PKC, and the process of backing and restoring data.
- The structure of relations in all actions, and all resources, should and must be connected using "Category" tags, and this insight was already very well stated in earlier conversations. Category Tree provides a way to manage the hierarchy of concepts. I also explicitly stated that all Inputs and Outputs are resources, and I even documented a list of resources in the Logic Model's Template Links.
- If a thing is not a resource, then, it is not relevant to a Logic Model's operational context, and therefore, shouldn't be mentioned. All the documents you have passed around in WeChat have demonstrated your lack of willingness to digest the EXPLICIT STATEMENTS I had already told you in two three days of consecutive meetings.
- All your statements still remain in adjectives and generic directions.
- The specific set of resources, in terms of using Jenkins (this Jared did mention today), and the specific sets of Formal Verification Tools (Cog, TLA+, K-Framework), and how they can or cannot be included in the ongoing work, is not even remotely hinted.
- The point is to use one Public instance of PKC, in this case, thewiki.us as a platform to share progress, and you guys can have private instances of PKCs to manage your test cases.
- the use of these tools to help clean up the content of MediaWiki. Since some of these tools are already been packed as Dockerized Images so that they can be tested and validated to see if they fit into our project.
- All these discussions should have been automatically, or manually transcribed into the Discussion Page of TimeLine so that we can see why and how these simple statements have not penetrated our thick skulls.
- All data dictionaries must follow the ideal of being Sound, Precise, and Terminable.
- A "Process" in the context of Logic Model, is a Multi-Input/Multi-Output Function. Therefore, providing the mappings between various Input entries and Output entries can be captured in a Matrix-Like or multiple matrices for their causal relations. For visualizing the "Function", a Matrix or a Railway diagram, like the one shown by Artemis.im website, can be employed.
- During the Pandemic, the most foundational courtesy of informing each other before events happen, and in case you had to postpone certain meetings, inform others ahead of time is the least I am expecting from both of you.
- Both of you had demonstrated a form of irregularity, and also very little attention and thoughts to other people's time schedule.
- Be aware of other people's schedules, and making MEETINGS predicable, PREDICABLE TIME TABLE for things that must happen in the near future
Event 1
0. Date |
{{{date}}} | ||
1. Context |
{{{context}}} | ||
2. Goal |
{{{goal}}} | ||
3. Success Criteria |
{{{criteria}}} | ||
4. Outputs | 5. Process | 6. Inputs | |
{{{outputs}}} |
{{{process}}} |
{{{inputs}}} | |
7. Boundary Conditions |
{{{boundaries}}} |
Event:Zoom Meeting
Start time | 2021-07-14T10:06:35.000Z |
End time | 2021-07-14T10:06:50.000Z |
Attendees | |
Context | |
Goal | |
Criteria | |
Meeting URL |
Start time | 2021-07-23T08:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-07-23T09:00:45.000Z |
Attendees | @BenKoo, @JaredCordon, @KevinTung |
Context | PKC Workflow page is about to finish |
Goal | Progress Report |
Criteria | Group concensus |
Meeting URL |
Progress Report
- In PKC Workflow, finished a logic model and 2 sub-models to specify the progress.
- All activities page shows all the activities and daily progress.
Other pages to notice
"Criteria:" namespace.
Page review.
== Other Notes ==
Start time | 2021-08-08T07:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-08-08T08:00:00.000Z |
Attendees | @BenKoo, @KevinTung |
Context | Kevin was stuck in installing K8s dashboard. Kevin hasn't update the PKC document for a week. |
Goal | Talk about the problem with the methodology. |
Criteria | Mutual understanding and participation |
Meeting URL |
Meeting/2021.08.22/Ben, Kevin
Start time | 2021-08-22T12:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-08-22T13:00:00.000Z |
Attendees | @BenKoo, @KevinTung |
Context | This is the last week of the PKC summer project |
Goal | Conclusion of the project, Future Work Discussion |
Criteria | Have a framework for the PKC project |
Meeting URL |
- The context of conclusion:
- it is required by the summer course
- it serves as the conclusion for the 2-month work
- it serves as theorization of PKC, Ideation, and related domains
- Original Plan
- System integration of CMS and automation tools like Jenkins
- Formal method on top of data
- Actual work
- Practice of data/content management on Mediawiki during work.
- Investigate K-framkework, TLA, Jenkins; successfully installed these tools; but not integrate in a theoretical view
- Research of semantic framework in several perspectives
- Mathematica and its functional representation
- Using Logic Model to model knowledge.
- Namespace management
- Knowledge organization, knowledge representation, and its relation with AI (still working)
- Investigate and practice K8s
- Engineering of the PKC system
- A function is a carrier for information
- every input is addressible
- link -> conflict -> jump to others namespace -> collaborate -> neccesesity to collaborate
- What we did :
Why science progress halt: namespace of contribution is a mess. K8s: use etcd to manage namespace
- Video/1 - Intro to the Open Semantic Framework (OSF)
- Paper/Context Aware Systems:A Survey
- Paper/Knowledge Organization and Representation under the AI Lens
Start time | 2021-08-25T08:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-08-25T09:30:00.000Z |
Attendees | @BenKoo, @KevinTung |
Context | TLA Workflow/Process/Planning |
Goal | Discuss About TLA Workflow |
Criteria | The neccasary information is communicated |
Meeting URL | https://zoom.us/j/92921308938?pwd=dFhwSXBreDBmd3ZLSHIzNkplaHVvUT09 |
- Chat/Meeting/2021.08.25/Ben,KevinTung
- Video/Meeting/2021.08.25/Ben,KevinTung
- These data generated from the synchronous meeting triggers the asynchronous session to further discuss and structure them , which is in another Logic Model.
The current strategy of managing the Chat data is to place the structure of the data as its prefix, and the semantics as its postfix. Such as
Chat/Meeting/2021.08.25/Ben,KevinTung Video/Meeting/2021.08.25/Ben,KevinTun
As the structure of data is limited, the top-level of the namespace is more compact. However, it is also possible to use the primary semantic of the data as its prefix, such as
Meeting/2021.08.25/Ben,KevinTung/Chat Meeting/2021.08.25/Ben,KevinTung/Video
The possible benefit is to have better control over the resources under the prefix, which is a common practice. It is also possible to use multiple hierarchical structures to manage ontologies. So there will be fixed structure and fluid structure.
I think it is an important part of Namespace Management open to discussion.
Meeting/2021.08.28/Ben, KevinTung
Start time | 2021-08-28T13:27:22.000Z |
End time | 2021-08-28T14:27:22.000Z |
Attendees | @BenKoo, @KevinTung |
Context | Kevin wants to install a new function on the deployment site. Ben thinks we should have a standard workflow to install new software |
Goal | Discuss the DynamicPageList3 extension, Plan the docker deployment workflow |
Criteria | |
Meeting URL | https://zoom.us/rec/share/FbNYBFNGU0FDCrpSKiqD2nwJP Dr0QstDd-UugP83qlLyOyraCu8xH YJjqJZwLA.TxN1d0FtyLKHzdRD |
- Boundaries
- why wiki is good
- cycle time
- use logic model to specify
- refine SC in a smaller sycle time
- Abstract specification -> execute -> have bug -> turn into BC
- Devops is a trial and error process
- error challenge
- logic model specifying causal relationship
- current solution :MEZA
- solution : use linked logic model to specify/ frame in all levels. as there are lots of users , the dynamic process will contribute to BC and SC
- our PKC is the fastest , why?
- docker registry can save registry locally
- need to mount to local
Passcode: C0UuhmE*
Start time | 2021-08-25T9:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-08-25T10:00:00.000Z |
Attendees | @BenKoo, @Yohanes Surya, @Togar, @Bryan, @Ken, @Zhang |
Context | An initial meeting with Huawei on AI Training Courses |
Goal | Identify a way to collaborate |
Criteria | Start designing a curriculum for the three parties. |
Meeting URL |
- The context of conclusion:
- it is required by the summer course
- it serves as the conclusion for the 2-month work
- it serves as theorization of PKC, Ideation, and related domains
- Original Plan
- System integration of CMS and automation tools like Jenkins
- Formal method on top of data
- Actual work
- Practice of data/content management on Mediawiki during work.
- Investigate K-framkework, TLA, Jenkins; successfully installed these tools; but not integrate in a theoretical view
- Research of semantic framework in several perspectives
- Mathematica and its functional representation
- Using Logic Model to model knowledge.
- Namespace management
- Knowledge organization, knowledge representation, and its relation with AI (still working)
- Investigate and practice K8s
- Engineering of the PKC system
- A function is a carrier for information
- every input is addressible
- link -> conflict -> jump to others namespace -> collaborate -> neccesesity to collaborate
- What we did :
Why science progress halt: namespace of contribution is a mess. K8s: use etcd to manage namespace
- Video/1 - Intro to the Open Semantic Framework (OSF)
- Paper/Context Aware Systems:A Survey
- Paper/Knowledge Organization and Representation under the AI Lens
Start time | 2021-07-13T08:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-07-13T09:00:00.000Z |
Attendees | |
Context | Project management |
Goal | Timeline, Calendar, Workflow |
Criteria | Mutual understanding and participation |
Meeting URL |
- Discuss the meeting confusion
- Update Ben on our progress
- Get suggestions for next
Meeting minutes:
- Agreement on the meeting time.
- The "PKC Workflow#System Implementation" term jettisons our previous work of Backup&Restore, Docker Image workflow, and PKC deployment.
- Ben: We need to relate everything to Logic Model so that users could have limited choice.
- -> Kevin building on this idea : An application express its domain by the cost of complexity. The functionality depends on the expressiveness, and the size of decision space depends on the complexity.
- Kevin: Modeling the iterative process of DevOps using Logic Model
Process optimization:
- For the mutual knowledge which requires to be precise, it is not feasible to talk it verbally. Instead, we should communicate on a page. Some types of issue required for precise communication:
- Naming or describing some concepts.
- Formalizing the model
- Deliberation of concepts.
Start time | 2021-07-14T08:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-07-14T09:00:00.000Z |
Attendees | @KevinTung, @BenKoo, @JaredCordon |
Context | Logic Model |
Goal | Find alignment, Decide the next course of action |
Criteria | Group concensus |
Meeting URL | https://zoom.us/j/91612656130?pwd=SEdjMnJzdURqLzkySnBISkQ2eUhrdz09 |
- Business updates from Ben
- Progress from Kevin and Jared
- Receive feedback
- Decide next steps
Confirmed attendees
(Add a checkbox widget)
- Jared Cordon
- Kevin Tung
Description:Benjamin Koo is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91612656130?pwd=SEdjMnJzdURqLzkySnBISkQ2eUhrdz09
Meeting ID: 916 1265 6130 Passcode: 382263 One tap mobile +13126266799,,91612656130#,,,,*382263# US (Chicago) +13462487799,,91612656130#,,,,*382263# US (Houston)
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 916 1265 6130 Passcode: 382263 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/a0SY3NiaR
10 minutes before
Start time | 2021-07-17T08:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-07-17T09:00:00.000Z |
Attendees | @BenKoo, @KevinTung |
Context | Project management, Logic Model |
Goal | Find alignment, Workflow, Specification |
Criteria | Group concensus, Mutual understanding and participation |
Meeting URL | https://zoom.us/j/91612656130?pwd=SEdjMnJzdURqLzkySnBISkQ2eUhrdz09 |
Meeting Agenda
- Report the progress of PKC
- Discuss project management of PKC
- Discuss project specification, which is a phase of Project Management
- Discuss how to sense the challenge and adapt them.
Meeting Minutes
- Closed cycle is fundamental for a system. By specifying workflow, having tester to test, and reviewing the process helps determine the workflow's correctness.
- There are no other books that cover's our framework. We cannot rely on other theory and need to build a concise theory that verifies itself. The mindset of independence is needed.
- We should stick to the success criteria; it could only be demonstrated on wiki.
- The minimal structure should be Hyperlinks, Transclusion, or Properties.
Start time | 2021-07-26T08:00:00.000Z |
End time | 2021-07-26T08:30:00.000Z |
Attendees | @BenKoo, @KevinTung |
Context | Jared has stress at home and was not able to participate regularly |
Goal | Check that PKC Workflow has reached the criteria of time management and project management., Alignment on future direction., Resolve participants' conflicts. |
Criteria | Decide whether the criteria is reached, Conclusion of previous progress, Consensus of future actions, The conflict has been resolved, Decide future meeting frequency, Decide the criteria and way of communication. |
Meeting URL | https://zoom.us/j/91612656130?pwd=SEdjMnJzdURqLzkySnBISkQ2eUhrdz09 |
Mutual context (5)
Decide whether the criteria is reached (5)
Conclusion of previous progress (5)
- Written the Logic Models (PKC Workflow, Jenkins, TLA+, Docker) on PKC Workflow
- Criteria to be verified:
Time management statements
Statement | Has Reached | Note |
Predictive plans | Partially | PKC Project is planned but meeting wasn't planned. |
Assign regular time to meet. | No |
Need a schedule (timetable)) to make verifiable progress | Yes(80%) |
Need a sign which shows mutual agreement of future events. | Partially | Any group decision needs to be decided group-wise and there must be a confirmation action whether officially or conventionally. |
Participants need to work on the same time schedule and create a full set of documentation so that others can replicate the work from scratch. | No | Kevin created the time schedule and invite others to use but there isn't confirmation yet. Kevin will lead the confirmation. |
Inform each other before events happen, and in case you had to postpone certain meetings, inform others ahead of time. | Partially | |
Use one Public instance of PKC, in this case, thewiki.us as a platform to share progress, and you guys can have private instances of PKCs to manage your test cases. | Partially | We used thewiki.us but haven't confirmed a way to share progress. |
Be aware of other people's schedules, and making MEETINGS predicable, PREDICABLE TIME TABLE for things that must happen in the near future | No | We haven't shared our schedule. Kevin will lead the confirmation to share schedule. |
Consensus of future actions (5)
- Build and share schedule of the same format.
- Design a workflow to share and review working progress everyday without using a meeting.
- Create a Daily Document
- Progress report and sharing everyday.
- Review and comment on the document page
- The message to report differs based on role. But the daily basis is invariant.
Note: still need to be confirmed by the participants.
Discuss and Decide future meeting frequency (3)
- 30 minute regular meeting every day.
- The purpose of meeting is to align not only logically but also mentally.
- The precise communication (full logical alignment) should be written on the daily report.
Discuss and Decide the communication method in WeChat and PKC (5)
- The communication should be transcribed to PKC
- After seeing others' message, if a person isn't ready to reply, he needs to send an information that he had seen the message to give other people predictive actions.
All Statements of Ben in Wechat
- However, I was expecting the two of you to update me on your regular plans. We need a schedule to move things forward. If we just ignore the schedule, we will remain to be an interest group that does things for fun. The results will not be predictable and no trustworthiness.
- THE TWO OF you still did not assign a regular time to meet so that we can have some predictable interaction pattern. This is becoming a pretty serious violation of the rule of engagement. Especially after I explicitly stated the requirement for?time management. and clearly the two of you just choose to ignore this instruction.
- Is there a process and a sign showing that everyone agrees yet?
- Any group decision needs to be decided group-wise and there must be a confirmation action whether officially or conventionally.
- The meeting agenda should be proposed in PKC.
- We don't even need to have meetings, as long as something is confirmed and new actions are being scheduled that will be all there is to it.
- Please don't upload any video or audio files to wikis, we will find a way to do that more systematically later. A way to manage digital resources is what PKC is all about.
- The whole point of using PKC is to leverage its powers in managing Namespaces. And you guys have been selfishly defining namespaces in ways that are most imminent in your own localized contexts, without thinking about Namespaces must be put in a "Single Source of Truth", such as a single wiki, to ensure the consistency and reusability of the chosen names.
- You guys need a schedule (timetable)) to make verifiable progress.
- Yes, but you need to work on the same time schedule with Kevin and create a full set of documentation so that others can replicate the work from scratch.
- As you develop content and code, you need to think about how others can read the wiki and right away do what you did.
- If there is no project timetable, there should be no more meetings in the future.
- The point is not about being frustrated or not, but the ability to be aware of each other's minimalistic commitment. The main common denominator in this project is PKC, and the process of backing and restoring data.
- The structure of relations in all actions, and all resources, should and must be connected using "Category" tags, and this insight was already very well stated in earlier conversations. Category Tree provides a way to manage the hierarchy of concepts. I also explicitly stated that all Inputs and Outputs are resources, and I even documented a list of resources in the Logic Model's Template Links.
- If a thing is not a resource, then, it is not relevant to a Logic Model's operational context, and therefore, shouldn't be mentioned. All the documents you have passed around in WeChat have demonstrated your lack of willingness to digest the EXPLICIT STATEMENTS I had already told you in two three days of consecutive meetings.
- All your statements still remain in adjectives and generic directions.
- The specific set of resources, in terms of using Jenkins (this Jared did mention today), and the specific sets of Formal Verification Tools (Cog, TLA+, K-Framework), and how they can or cannot be included in the ongoing work, is not even remotely hinted.
- The point is to use one Public instance of PKC, in this case, thewiki.us as a platform to share progress, and you guys can have private instances of PKCs to manage your test cases.
- the use of these tools to help clean up the content of MediaWiki. Since some of these tools are already been packed as Dockerized Images so that they can be tested and validated to see if they fit into our project.
- All these discussions should have been automatically, or manually transcribed into the Discussion Page of TimeLine so that we can see why and how these simple statements have not penetrated our thick skulls.
- All data dictionaries must follow the ideal of being Sound, Precise, and Terminable.
- A "Process" in the context of Logic Model, is a Multi-Input/Multi-Output Function. Therefore, providing the mappings between various Input entries and Output entries can be captured in a Matrix-Like or multiple matrices for their causal relations. For visualizing the "Function", a Matrix or a Railway diagram, like the one shown by Artemis.im website, can be employed.
- During the Pandemic, the most foundational courtesy of informing each other before events happen, and in case you had to postpone certain meetings, inform others ahead of time is the least I am expecting from both of you.
- Both of you had demonstrated a form of irregularity, and also very little attention and thoughts to other people's time schedule.
- Be aware of other people's schedules, and making MEETINGS predicable, PREDICABLE TIME TABLE for things that must happen in the near future