Enable Moodle Authentication using Keycloak

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This procedure is tested on Moodle 3.11.6 (Build: 20220314), which you can see on : Site Administration > Notification. The goals is to enable new login button on login screen to login using Keycloak


Preparation on Keycloak

You need to prepare the client-id on keycloak configuration for Moodle to use, please see How to configure for new client application on Keycloak. Below are the configuration data that you need to prepare.

  1. ClientID; this can be new client-id or your existing client-id, it depends on how you manage the scope of authorization
  2. Client Secret; Generated on each client-id

Moodle Configuration

To perform below task, please use administation account.

  1. Go to Site Administration > Server > OAuth2 Service
  2. On Create New Service, click on Custom Button
  3. Below are the field to be completed
Field Name Description
Client ID
Client Secret
Service Base URL
Logo URL
This service will be used
Scopes included in a login request.
Scopes included in a login request
for offline access.
Additional parameters included in
a login request.
Additional parameters included in
a login request for offline access.