PKC Workflow/Software

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TLA+ is a high-level language for modeling programs and systems--especially concurrent and distributed ones. It's based on the idea that the best way to describe things precisely is with simple mathematics. TLA+ and its tools are useful for eliminating fundamental design errors, which are hard to find and expensive to correct in code. [1]

  • Since not all system can be modeled by a function, like an operating system, a program can be modeled by its behavior.
  • A program's execution can be represented by a behavior
  • A behavior is a sequence of states.
  • A state is an assignment of values to variables.
  • A program is modeled by a set of behaviors.

Application on PKC

To model the PKC system, a set of variables to represent state and the constraints are required in order to check its liveness and safety.



Video:Tackling Concurrency Bugs with TLA+" by Hillel Wayne[1] Unit test cannot fix the problem of potential bugs because the complexity of a system is high.